
Stacey Swanepoel


This year I did something that was not at all what I would have thought I would have done. I had my hair washed and set professionally for three months. It was such a spoil. I know that’s the status quo for many people and I can now see why. When Michael Davis, the owner of the Blobar, sponsored my hair treatments and hair styling care by the talented Stacey Swanepoel, I had no idea how appreciative I would be.

I have not done any treatments for my hair in about eighteen years. I probably had a trim every four months or so. Being a mum to three and with Savannah, my eldest requiring medical treatments; my hair care was not a priority. So the experience that the Blobar offered me was amazing to say the least.

Stacey and the team at Blobar Hair Salon have such a great vibe. Every Monday morning I started my week with a delicious cappuccino and a butter cookie while having my hair washed with a very relaxing head massage.

Now I was the type of girl who only bought “off the shelf shampoo”. So it was after a very long time that I was exposing my hair to salon approved hair care products and it was the first time I was introduced to the product brand INOAR. There are a few options within this brand for different hair types. Stacey recommended INOAR’S Argan Plex Shampoo and Conditioner for me.

I’ve always had good hair so I didn’t have to worry about damage before. When Stacey suggested that I have a change of color; something else I have not done in eighteen years, I was concerned about damaging my hair. However since having my new hair colour, my hair has remained healthy and is also shinier and softer. The INOAR range uses Argan oil in it’s makeup, so hair is not just washed but it also undergoes a gentle treatment at the same time.

My natural colour:

My Indola Colour and Inoar Treated Hair..So love this colour

After each wash and set, Stacey used Argan oil to protect and nourish my hair. It’s a little bottle of magic. I experienced no itchiness to my scalp, no split ends and no breakage. Especially as Stacey used a GHD frequently on my hair, I expected some damage. When my hair remained soft and nourished, I was impressed.

INOAR retails for about R550,00 and a pack will last a good few weeks, depending on how often you wash your hair. For me, with Inoar twice a week is sufficient.

The Blobar is situated inside Meyersdal Nail and Beauty Studio, Meyersdal Mall, Shop No 1 upper level, corner Michelle Avenue and Hennie Alberts Street, Meyersdal

Phone: 011 867 0494

Email: info@blobar.co.za or bookings@blobar.co.za

Web: www.blobar.co.za

Next week: More about the stylist Stacey Swanepoel and pictures of the fabulous hairdos she created for me.

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