With much excitement and respect here is the one of the features from @Mamma Chef Jozi that won her the title Best Foodie Blogger. Preparing healthy and tasty meals is every busy mother’s challenge. So Jeanne-Riette aka Mamma Chef Jozi has made it easier for us by sharing her rendezvous in the kitchen as she prepares meals for her beautiful family.

I especially love her concept and the shopping lists and ideas that she shares. As a mum who spent lots of time in therapy sessions and doctors rooms for my daughter with a disability, preparing meals was last on my list. I usually ended up throwing together something that went from a box to an oven. Many of my friends who parent special needs children shared the same struggles and we wished that the thinking aspect of what to cook and what to purchase to cook; could be done for us.

So to Mamma Chef Jozi, I wish I met you years ago but so glad I know you now. To the readers, please be warned of the following: You will read Mamma Chef’s posts at the risk of feeling very hungry afterwards and wishing Mamma Chef was your best friend or close relative so you could drop by for one of her delicious meals.

The blog posts that grabbed the title for her were Festive Freshness – A Holiday Meal Plan

Festive Freshness – A Holiday Meal Plan

and The Easiest, Fluffiest Blueberry Pancakes Ever

The Easiest, Fluffiest Blueberry Pancakes Ever

Please follow her blog for more awesome recipes and advice.



Sharing my womanhood and motherhood journey of faith, hope and love as a woman who started out as a teenage mother to a daughter with a disability. I write on topics about womanhood, motherhood, disability and assistive technology (Journey to Communication). I am available as a motivational speaker within the South African region.

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