


While the world dedicates April to Autism Awareness in our house everyday is Autism Awareness and Autism Acceptance.

That is the message we spread.

We are humbled to be featured on The Post newspaper today to share Savannah’s journey as an autistic person. It is with deep respect for the autistic journey that we hope other families will be inspired. Please note as a family our personal preference is not to use the term Autistic Spectrum Disorder but we prefer to say that Savannah is autistic. We only have so much control over what goes into print.

To Savannah. We hope that these strides make your personal journey more tolerable.


Read more here

Join me on the 25th of March 2018 at the Johannesburg Zoo where I’ll be helping you to understand the power of communication for the autistic community.

“Our speaker is superwoman Desirae Pillay – mother to an autistic adult daughter, assistive technology advisor at Inclusive Solutions and AAC advocate. This talk will inspire you and change your perception of autism and communication.” – Jozi4Autism

Buy your tickets here.

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