


A few days ago I posted a quote about parents empowering their children.

It’s a tricky business being a parent. The intense roller coaster of emotions that we experience while knowing we are fully responsible for another human is safely the hardest journey to be on. It is also definitely the deepest, most beautiful bond we can ever experience.

And this entanglement of emotions can sometimes cause parents to be down right “crazy”. We have to know how much responsibility to give our children and when they are ready for different levels of responsibility. We have to teach them to be strong, brave, independent and maintain their sense of curiosity, while we are supposed to also protect them. Once you become a parent, the whole independence thing just seems way too overrated. I mean, it’s completely plausible that a child can be dependent on their parents for a while? Maybe until they are twenty-five or maybe even thirty?

There I go doing the crazy parent ramble. The one that makes children want to panic.

But have no fear my friends. I’ve never been the parent who wants to hold my children to me forever. I’ve always maintained that I am raising them to leave because I know that they will be fully capable of eventually building their own lives. Michael and I are fully committed to our vision that our children will be their own heroes. Even for Savannah,who is likely to never leave home, there are still some areas of independence that Michael and I expect from her.

Therefore it was a great delight to me when my mother and Talisa showed me the video (link below) of the speech Deepika Padukone gave when she received the FilmFare award for Best Actress two years ago.

Deepika Padukone is the darling of the Bollywood Film industry and has the world at her fingertips. She read a letter that her father Prakash Padukone, a Badminton legend for India wrote to her sister and her. It’s a wonderful example of how to give our children wings while keeping their hearts humble.

Enjoy watching this touching video of a parent child bond that is filled with love, trust and faith. Then let me know in the comments what your best advice is to your young adult children.


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