
Muppie Lounge


On the 6th April I was announced as SA Mommy Blogger’s Best Inspirational Blogger. It is was reward enough to be recognised and I had no expectation of receiving anything else. But to my delight, goodness keeps coming my way.

Jacqui Bester from the blog One Messy Mama and the organiser of the SA Mommy Blogger Awards, informed me that I have been rewarded a set of wine glass trinkets from Muppie Lounge. Something pretty to dress the wine glasses that will hold the beautiful Deetlefs wine.

I have also been gifted a Make-up Makeover by Ryno Make Up Artistry.

Mercy me…. If this is how 40 begins… Bring it on!

Thank you SA Mommy Blogger Awards, Ryno Make Up Artistry and Muppie Lounge.




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