


I’ve started jogging twice a week in addition to attending training sessions at a Body20 Studio. To my surprise Savannah asked to join me on my jog.

This is pretty big for us because since Savannah was sick last year, she stopped going out as often. There have been periods of three consecutive weeks where she did not leave our home at all because she felt too ill.


So far this year, she has returned to church with us, is trying to manage her own diet and has even joined me in a photo shoot and on visits to some sponsors for @MRS_SOUTH_AFRICA. And today while I kept my pace in my jog; Michael helped Savannah as she wheeled herself for a few metres.

I would never have guessed that of all the women I would inspire by taking time for myself this year it would be my daughter, Savannah.

How life can come at you in a full circle moment! For so long Savannah was my inspiration and now I can be hers. I’m so grateful.

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