


In March this year I was chosen as the Most Inspirational Blogger in the SA Mommy Blogger Awards. It was my goal to pay tribute to the other category winners. This year has taken a somewhat winding path, and I did not complete that goal. I intend to do that whenever I can by sharing a post each week about the winning bloggers. They are each talented and delightful in their own way, and together these bloggers give us readers a wonderful view into lives and topics we would know nothing about.

Today’s featured blogger is Chevone Petersen of www.chevslife.com. I was excited to learn that Chevone and I have a few things in common: we both love writing, we are part of the autism community and we are passionate about parent empowerment.

Chevone’s winning blog posts were:

The Last Boy on the https://chevslife.com/2017/08/16/last-boy-train/ ;


She Got Her Wings https://chevslife.com/2017/01/12/she-got-her-wings/.

Get a coffee and doughnut then click on over to Chevone’s blog and have a look around. Her writing draws you in and makes you feel that you never want the story to end.

Chevone, thank you for Unmasking Your Journey to Optimism.

Happy Friday Everyone

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