
Best Travel Blogger


Cindy Alfino is the Blogger at 3 Kids, 2 Dogs and 1 Old House. Together with her husband Seth, they purchased a campervan with the goal to do the unthinkable in South Africa. Oh yes, they aim to travel the country with their family in toe. Now I’m not going to spoil it for you, so if you want to know more about their travel plans check out Cindy’s Blog http://www.3kids2dogsand1oldhouse.co.za/. I love her energy and her passion for travel makes the reader want to pack a bag and hit the road.

One of the posts which won her the title “Best Travel Blogger” by @SAMommyBloggerAwards was this one:

Do yourself a favour and at lunchtime today, grab your lunch, plug in your headphones and watch the video that is part of this post. Cindy and her husband Seth share their travel ambitions and their love for their family, which will leave you wanting to buy a Campervan and gather your tribe for an adventure.

The second post was about the families visit to beautiful Oudekraal beach:

Cindy Alfino’s photographic skills were a delight to my eyes and as I sat in chilly, dull Johannesburg; I felt as if I was on that beach.  My children loved the photographs; so Oudekraal is now on our bucket list of places to visit.

Congratulations Cindy on winning the award and thank you to all the “Alfreeno’s” 😉 . Until I can travel, I will live through you.


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