


For Savannah Diwali, Halloween and New Years are very stressful days. So stressful that she is anxious months before when Spring begins. To add to her anxiety at the beginning of this September her caregiver left us without notice. At the same time both Eli and I fell ill and needed to have small procedures in separate hospitals just days apart. It was a rough time but not the first rough time that we have experienced. 

We handled it because that is what you do. For us, we no longer believe that once we get through a rough spot life will get easier. We recognise that there is no telling what lies before us and just because we get through a challenge is no guarantee that we will not face something like that again.

What is that you say?

“God does not give you more than you can endure and remember He only gives his toughest challenges to His toughest soldiers”.

Well that is debatable. The high divorce rates amongst families like ours and the number of mothers on anti-depressants say otherwise. I think however well-meaning those lines are, they also place a burden of heroism on families. If those lines were followed by actions of friendship and support, they may actually have some tangible meaning for many families because God did not create us to deliver great lines. He created us to care for one another in a manner of humility and not for an opportunity to brag on Facebook. Mmmmm… I loaded that last sentence.

So yes, all I hear when people say something about my apparent super natural strength is:

“No matter how painful this is, no matter how much your heart is breaking; you are not allowed to break. The mother who is stressed that her child (without a diagnosis) is having a tonsillectomy or grommets or any other typical childhood ailment can break. Well, because you know she doesn’t have your super natural strength. But you whose child is facing life or death, or another painful surgery or whose child is going on strong meds too get those terrible seizures under control, or who can’t use the toilet at twenty years old or is peg fed at thirty years old; oh no you can’t break. Remember you were chosen for this. You have that special portion of strength”.

Actually we don’t. It’s more like what people need to tell themselves to cope with the reality of our lives. It’s not always helpful. We are not the toughest soldiers and no, we cannot endure some things. For my family the smallest change in Savannah’s behaviour, physical well-being or mental state can mean something. Too often we have had to fight for medical services when to the clinician’s eye Savannah appeared fine. Yet we knew something was wrong with her. And too often what was treated as a minor concern by doctors; has actually become a life defining issue for Savannah’s health. This is also true for many other families like us.

Where some parents worry about their child through an infection and then ease back into a more carefree take-every-day-as-it-comes lifestyle; we watch every movement, listen to every moan and take note of change of patterns all the time. And where most typical families experience intense emotions at medical procedures or when their child needs more help in certain areas; families like ours accept that hypervigilance is a normal way of life all the time.

And you ask: “However can you live like that?” In fact a mother of a typically developing child once said to me “I would never do what you do. You have too much patience”. Uh, it’s your child. But yes, each of us in the family have the choice as to how we care for each other while caring for Savannah. It is a decision that we as parents make to ensure that we don’t just live, but that each of us thrives. Not the “heroic” thrive that society wants to see but the thrive that your soul recognises and responds too. And in so doing my family have learnt that we can be:

  1. Caring: It’s not just about the person with special needs but about each person in the family too. When we understand the frailty of life; care and concern is a way of life for everyone.
  2. Careful: We are careful to hold each one close and sometimes especially for Talisa and Eli, we let them go a little too. We are careful too see each other in every moment and not only see Savannah. Only we understand the same unspoken beautiful soul secrets and the heartaches that lie deep within.
  3. Respectful: Life isn’t a movie production just for Savannah. We respect each person’s right to thrive in their own story within the family. But yes, we have to take extra care that Savannah makes it to each moment.
  4. Forgiving: We choose to live in a state of forgiveness. We understand that each of us can’t always be happy at the same time. One of us might be processing too many issues simultaneously or one of us might be worrying about something he or she cannot articulate yet or  one of us might just be overwhelmed with the enormity of living against the tide all the time. And so we might not be as present as we should be. And that is okay. We forgive, we understand and we move on.
  5. Joyful:  We choose to be joyful. Sometimes like when I was sick and couldn’t get out of bed, I didn’t feel joyful.  It annoyed me that I needed care and that I was a dependent instead of a carer. But listening to Michael and the children fool around arrested my soul. He was surviving on very little sleep but he chose to still be fun and engaging with the children. Joy is a choice and it isn’t as flimsy or as fleeting as happiness.

It is an anchor.


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