


Over the years my family and friends who were parents themselves; have at different times said to me that they don’t know how to explain to their children that Savannah is autistic. They did not have the understanding themselves nor the vocabulary to teach their children about Savannah’s unique way of playing and why she seemed so different to them.

So it was a great honour for me to meet someone like Michael Clark at the Jozi4Autism event a few weeks ago. He and his team at MAAN Creative Studio have created a lovely animated short film about a hedgehog who is raised amongst sheep. The movie aims to create acceptance of people who are autistic and it is intended to be available for free.

Please help me to help them meet their crowdfunding goal to get this movie made by following the link. Watch the short clip and then please back them through the crowd funding option. There are only EIGHT days left to raise the funds.

Sam the Hedgehog: Short Film for Autism Acceptance
Promoting understanding of autism, SAM tells the story of a hedgehog raised among sheep.
As many as 1 in 68 children born today are diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. As yet, nobody knows the exact cause. What we do know is that this growing community needs to be heard and seen. “Sam the Hedgehog” is a short film about a hedgehog raised among sheep. Told in verse, it shares the message that ASD individuals should be celebrated and accepted as they are. Once the film is made, it will be made viewable and shareable online, free of charge.



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