Latest Past Events

With Parent Reality: Monthly Online Self Care Series

Self-care is such a known concept these days, but still very hard to imagine when you're a special needs parent. Reserve your spot here to get the link:25 Aug: Sept: Oct: Nov: What if we can help you think differently about self-care, and help you implement it with the help of friends? In this series

Workshop for Caregivers: Disability Awareness, Understanding and Team Building

These workshops are designed specifically for the needs of the team. To enquire about designing a workshop for your team email With 26 years of experience in raising a child with a disability and fifteen years as an assistive technology advisor and disability consultant, I help teams to unpack their beliefs about disability, understand

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Coffee with Parent Reality – Support Group

Gap college 60 South Road, Johannesburg South

Parent Reality is starting a regular support group in Johannesburg South. We are excited to invite you to our first Support Group meeting held at Gap College. We welcome all families with children with special needs to come together to connect, learn how to face our challenges and to create a community of support. You

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