
mom blogger

Today Savannah is reminiscing about the wedding last year when I was the MC and I danced a special dance.

Now that I work from home, it is a mixed blessing.

My children and my husband love having me around and I find we are using our time more productively. I wake up everyday excited to meet the day. I can’t remember ever feeling like this in my whole life.

For those families who have a child with a disability, you will know why this dynamic is precious. My daughter Savannah is witty and funny and kind and thoughtful. She is also different in her way of thinking and feeling.
She is my ever-long learning course. Teaching me all that I don’t know and often after working hard at understanding her point of view, I come back to the realisation that I just can’t reach all the depths that her mind wanders too. As an autistic person, she sees life in a way that I work very hard to understand; only to find that I fail.

So often I fail. My struggle to keep up with the “normal” world collides with trying to grasp her view; and I become frustrated, and angry at myself. At her. At this life and it’s persistent demands. Yet, I have to live in both worlds. I have to try so hard to keep up with life so that I can be part of it’s rat race and try to earn a living to provide for all our children.

Governing all that we do, like so many families like us, is that we must try very hard to earn more than a living.
We must provide for Savannah long after we are gone. And that is what keeps me awake till the early hours or gets me out of bed long before the sun rises. Working from home while also being a caregiver, a companion and all that encompasses being Savannah’s mother, is my “more than a conqueror” daily challenge.

If I could stay at my desk all day, I would not eat or drink because truly writing feeds me like nothing else does. But my reverie is broken every time when Savannah calls me. Sometimes what she needs is reasonable and makes sense that she called me. Other times, she calls me to tell me something so far off base from the moment that we are in, that I throw my hands up in the air and proclaim out loud that I don’t need to know the tit bit of information that she is supplying. She doesn’t grasp that I can’t know what goes on on her head and so we tussle with memories until I either get what she is on about or I give up and walk away.

For example, a month ago she suddenly jolted to March 2014 and for several days, she recounted everything she remembered about that time. Everything. Details like what earrings I wore and who we saw. People who I have long forgotten. She remembered their earrings, their watches and who said what, when and where. As I fight back the urge to weep for what feels like the hundredth time that she calls me to say something that I cannot see the relevance in; I ask myself if anyone else lives in so many spaces all at once? And if so do they survive themselves?

Right now, I am in the middle of writing about Domestic Abuse for the UNWomen’s Campaign and it takes me back to times in my life that I have closed the door on. Yet, now at forty, the shock of what I was allowed to be privy too as a child, washes me afresh. I have several other writing projects underway and a new client who I have to do some research for. So my mind is a little more than preoccupied on a daily basis.

Then Savannah calls. Again. Not being sure if she needs physical assistance or if it is just another newsflash from the past; I walk to where she is because that’s my life.

Looking back over the years, I’m most in awe that while I was trying to glue my heart back together as a teenager who learnt too much about the hypocrisy of the adults around her, I somehow kept my sanity as I became Savannah’s mother. Over these twenty-two years I’ve listened to the same story that my heart didn’t have the words to utter when Savannah was little. Parents grappling with the heartbreak of the unknown as their child begins life in a world designed to set itself against them. The most competent of people, crumble as they understand the force that will be required to help their children live their best lives.

Each time, I’m stunned anew that a girl like me became Savannah’s mum. What was God thinking to trust me with her? It has never been easy. There are days when I wish I did not know of the things I have to know. But I survived and I have learnt how to thrive right where I am. Having Savannah at eighteen was probably the worst thing to happen in a life already falling to pieces. Yet years later I understood that being Savannah’s mother saved my life. Who knows what I would have become, had I not have to fight for her in all the ways imaginable and unimaginable? Would I have known how to fight for myself or for that matter would I have known that I could change the course of my life?

Even now as I try to juggle housekeeping, children, writing, keeping up with everything, Savannah calls. She is now remembering December 2017. She wants to play the song I performed at my cousins wedding. I’m not in the mood for this and I grumble something to that effect.

As I walk away from her with the clock ticking and the checklist running in my head of all that I have to get done today, I hear her say: “Pretty mum the wedding. My mum good dancer. Well done.”

Savannah and I decked out at a wedding last year.

I can’t help looking back at her as she gives me a big grin. Maybe I am wrong again. I don’t think I am looking after her at all. I think she is looking after me. Drawing me away from the square boxes everyone is fighting to fit themselves into.

If you have heard me speak you will know that one of my key points is that there aren’t answers to everything that life throws our way. For those moments, there is always dance.

And so as Savannah played the song “Tere Bina” from the Bollywood movie Guru for the umpteenth time this morning, I took my own advice; and I danced. She clapped and squealed and made her happy sounds.

No one ever tells us that the lines of our broken hearts, make for the most polished dance floors. Or that dance is meaningless unless someone gives you a beat to dance to.

As you already know my children have long been weaned, potty trained and can pretty much entertain themselves independently. Well, two out of three of my children are for the most part, independent. Savannah still needs mama in different ways.

I surprised myself by how much I enjoyed reading Letitia Venter’s blogs which crowned her Best Wisdom Giver for the SA Mommy Blogger Awards 2017 which is this weeks feature on my blog. New moms in my social circle often seek me out for advice and in future it will be nice to point them to Letitia’s blog.

Her first winning blog “Dear New Mom, A Summary of a What You Should Know” is an easy read with practical advice that any new, sleep-deprived, panic-stricken, breast feeding or bottle feeding mum will find very useful. Letitia is also a trained Lactation Consultant who does volunteer work in her community.

Letitia’s second winning blog had me saying “Amen” and “Hallelujah” every couple seconds. It is “Physical and Mental Delays Caused by Baby Walkers and Jumpers” https://babyguideforthemodernmother.com/delays-caused-by-baby-walkers-and-jumpers.html. I have been against the use of walkers and jumpers for babies because I learnt early in my motherhood journey, the negative impact these baby mobility products have on a child’s development. This post helps new parents to think through the reasons why they should not use these type of baby products.

Letitia shares her research and wisdom with an amazing amount of respect and knowledge. I think this is a must follow blog for all new parents.

Letitia’s blog, “Baby Guide for the Modern Mother” is a great link to share at Baby Showers. Letitia, I wish you all the very best as you parent your little one and support your community of new mothers too.

On the 6th April I was announced as SA Mommy Blogger’s Best Inspirational Blogger. It is was reward enough to be recognised and I had no expectation of receiving anything else. But to my delight, goodness keeps coming my way.

Jacqui Bester from the blog One Messy Mama and the organiser of the SA Mommy Blogger Awards, informed me that I have been rewarded a set of wine glass trinkets from Muppie Lounge. Something pretty to dress the wine glasses that will hold the beautiful Deetlefs wine.

I have also been gifted a Make-up Makeover by Ryno Make Up Artistry.

Mercy me…. If this is how 40 begins… Bring it on!

Thank you SA Mommy Blogger Awards, Ryno Make Up Artistry and Muppie Lounge.




Read more here

While the world dedicates April to Autism Awareness in our house everyday is Autism Awareness and Autism Acceptance.

That is the message we spread.

We are humbled to be featured on The Post newspaper today to share Savannah’s journey as an autistic person. It is with deep respect for the autistic journey that we hope other families will be inspired. Please note as a family our personal preference is not to use the term Autistic Spectrum Disorder but we prefer to say that Savannah is autistic. We only have so much control over what goes into print.

To Savannah. We hope that these strides make your personal journey more tolerable.


Read more here

Join me on the 25th of March 2018 at the Johannesburg Zoo where I’ll be helping you to understand the power of communication for the autistic community.

“Our speaker is superwoman Desirae Pillay – mother to an autistic adult daughter, assistive technology advisor at Inclusive Solutions and AAC advocate. This talk will inspire you and change your perception of autism and communication.” – Jozi4Autism

Buy your tickets here.

I don’t believe in assuming what Savannah might be thinking, but just as I imagine what I’d like Talisa or Eli to think about me, sometimes I imagine what deeper conversations are denied to Savannah and I because of her disability.

“I know different” by Tricia Proefrock helps my imagination and lightens some of the burdens of my heart. May it do the same for those of you who walk the same path. And may it help you to be Different to us if you are not on this path.

by Tricia Proefrock

Dear mommy,

I have felt your tears, falling on my face. Someone else might think they are tears of sadness, because of what I can’t do…I KNOW DIFFERENT.

I know those tears pour from your heart out of gratitude for me, because of what I CAN do : I can love everyone in the purest form possible.
Unconditionally. I can be judged, but will never judge in return. I know different because I feel, in your hugs and kisses, that I’m perfect just the way I am.

I have seen you hang your head down in shame, when we go out on adventures. Someone else might think you are ashamed of having a child like me…I KNOW DIFFERENT.

I know you are ashamed of the grown-ups who ignore me, yet talk happily to all the other children. The grown-ups who won’t look you in the eye, but stare at me, when they think you don’t see. I know different because I’ve seen the many, many more times you have raised your head up high, with pride, because I’m yours. : )

I have heard you whispering desperate prayers at night. Someone else might think you are asking God to make me a typical kid…I KNOW DIFFERENT.

I know you are thanking Him that I got to be here, with you, for another day- exactly how I am. I know different because I have heard you ask me never to leave you. And I have heard you cheer for me, every single day of my life- you tell me I don’t need to be typical to be amazing, I just need to be here.

I know you have a big job, taking care of me. I know your body hurts, because I’m getting so big. I know that more than anything, you want to hear me say your name. And I know you worry that you aren’t good enough, and that you will fail me…BUT I KNOW DIFFERENT MOMMY.

I know that even on your worst days, you will always be enough for me, and I will always love you more than you know.

Desirae & Savannah

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