


It’s the last weekend of the Whitney Houston show in Gauteng starring the talented Belinda Davids. I saw the show two weeks ago and if I had the time I would be back in the Theatre of Marcellus at Emperors Palace this weekend.

I can’t stop replaying in my head the moments that gave me goosebumps. Belinda not only hits all the high notes like Whitney but she also delivers those husky low tones that make you believe that Whitney Houston herself is standing before you. I am not a singer by any means but the high energy of the cast and Belinda’s intimacy with them and with the audience; made me and the rest of audience forget ourselves, and we belted out one tune after another following Belinda as best we could.

I don’t want to spoil it for anyone going to the show this weekend; so I’ll say this: there is one song that Belinda sings while a video plays of Whitney singing the same song, and its surreal watching Belinda embody Whitney exactly as she is in the video. I was caught between crying and laughing with joy at how brilliantly Whitney is brought to life in this show without taking anything away from the absolute artist that is Belinda Davids.

The costumes are amazing and throwback to all my favourite Whitney music videos. The cast is phenomenal with amazing solos by each of the musicians that had us cheering and dancing in our seats. I had been singing Exhale (Shoop Shoop) and My Love is Your Love all the way to the show with my daughter, and when Belinda belted out those lyrics…. Oh wow..she did not disappoint.

So if you are looking for a way to warm up while the temperatures plummet in Gauteng, do yourself a favour and go watch The Greatest Love of All. I lost my voice a bit after that show and I’ve been listening to all my Whitney Houston CDs ever since. This was the most touching and respectful tribute to a star that is missed so much by all her fans. “I get so emotional” and you will too.

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