
greatest showman


In my previous post I shared that our family sets goals at the beginning of every year.

Life is unpredictable and a little too tough at times, so it helps us to place some anchors into our dynamic especially for the children. One of those anchors is to have a great go-to song to carry us through the year. For those days when life doesn’t make sense: when our children have to cope with twists without mum and dad because Savannah is in hospital, when we have to say no to a necessity that is unaffordable, when we can’t understand Savannah, when people are mean, when we feel exhausted and sleep doesn’t fix it, when we need to escape from reality…we simply turn up the volume of our favourite song.

This year, how could our theme song be anything other than “This is me” from the soundtrack of the Greatest Showman. Wherever you are right now, turn the volume up and play this song.


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjxugyZCfuw?rel=0&w=560&h=315]

Be you.

YOU are meant to be!

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